Daily Prompt: Banned

Banned: There are days when I find myself being my own worst enemy – full of self doubt and negative thoughts. On those days, if someone makes a comment like “maybe you should lose a little weight” I spiral down fast and hard into a pool of misgivings, self pity, self loathing…..it never occurs to… Continue reading Daily Prompt: Banned

Nobody knows the wealth s/he has until s/he uses it or loses it.

I used to think this proverb was about money, and since I’ve never been wealthy like that, I kind of ignored it. I spent my career in education, (a field not known for generating financial wealth) and nowadays, I teach a couple of college courses.  But a few days ago, as I was preparing to… Continue reading Nobody knows the wealth s/he has until s/he uses it or loses it.

If you don’t sell your head, nobody can buy it.

Let me be clear right away – THERE IS NO SEXUAL CONNOTATION TO THIS PROVERB.  It refers to the large head on the top of the neck, and the brain contained therein. We are all bombarded daily with messages, and usually, they tell us that something is wrong.  Every time I watch TV, the commercials… Continue reading If you don’t sell your head, nobody can buy it.